About Us
Just a single mom of two trying to make dreams come true....
My dream is to give back to the community that makes it possible to do what I do. I love providing comfort, peace and all the other things that come with self care in a way that is tailored to each individual soul. My dream is to become a non profit that helps houseless and struggling people, families, and people who want to stop using harder forms of self medicating to become more stable and figure out their next steps to be where they want to be in life.
I want to be the change I would like to see in this world, and every dollar you spend with me goes to getting closer and closer to my dream.
Thank you for being you, and thank you for supporting my little family and my dreams. If you are in need of help of any kind, please reach out and we will always do our best to provide as much help that is within our means, resources, or just a listening ear.
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